Non-Classroom Use of Streaming Video on Campus
If you wish to show a film to a student group on campus as a co- or extra-curricular events, please investigate public performance rights (PPR) by contacting the Office of Student Involvement. Films that you rent from commercial establishments or record at home are for personal viewing only. Films on commercial streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) are also for personal use only and therefore can not use used for public performance viewing. Support for obtaining performance rights may be available from the Office of Student Involvement and through Student Senate.
Some films available in the library's streaming collections do include PPR:
- using the "Public Performance Rights" (last filter on the left); films with PPR in Kanopy will include a PPR logo in the description.
- Streaming video from and the can also be used by student groups as long as no admission fee is charged or collected.
Student groups should consult the Office of Student Involvement through whom support for obtaining performance rights may be available. Faculty seeking to show a film outside of class can consult the University Librarian & Copyright Officer.
To investigate whether or not the film you'd like to show includes PPR or has other conditions for group viewing, or if you have questions about showing any film, please contact the University Librarian & Copyright Officer.
If you're looking for information about showing a film in your classroom, please consult our Video for Classroom Use page.