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Internships and Independent Study


The English department recognizes the value of experiential as well as classroom learning. Students may receive credit for an internship provided they go through the proper procedures:

  1. Pick up "Intent to Participate" and "Learning Contract" forms from the Career Education Center;
  2. Meet with potential faculty advisor (usually the department's internship coordinator) to discuss the proposed internship;
  3. Obtain the internship and have on-site supervisor complete the learning contract;
  4. Meet again with internship coordinator to finalize learning contract; and
  5. Following approval, complete the process by registering for the course and filing the forms at the registrar's office.

Under no circumstances will credit be given for an internship already completed or for an experience which seems, to the internship coordinator, to be employment in disguise. Likewise, under no circumstances will an internship be approved for students whose overall GPA is less than 2.5 or whose current academic performance is lackluster. To be approved for English credit, an internship must generally include a writing component of at least 60 percent, present a challenge to the student, and provide sufficient supervision and feedback. Though students are encouraged to seek and secure internships on their own, the internship coordinator will help students find opportunities that best suit their interests and abilities. Past internships have included semesters working for newspapers, public relations agencies, radio and television stations, historical societies, libraries, school districts, associations, marketing firms, and law offices. All interns are required to complete an internship report, comprised of weekly ruminations on a) tasks assigned; b) steps taken to complete the task; and c) reflections on the process.

Independent Study

Students with a 3.0 GPA in the major who have completed a substantial portion of the major and who wish to pursue academic interests in greater depth or investigate areas currently not covered by course offerings may study independently with a professor who has agreed to meet with the student on a weekly basis and supervise that student's program of study. Typically, students may use independent study to help them explore individualized areas of research that may evolve into an honors project. Interested students should contact the professor whose area of interest and expertise seems best suited to the program of study.

Michael Theune headshot

Michael Theune - Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Chair of English

Department - English